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Frank Free

Marcus Frank Freeman aka "Frank Free" was born March 27, 1995. To Tonya Yolanda Freeman & Kelly Andre McDonald in Philadelphia, Pa. He is the 1 of 4 Children and has a twin sister. Marcus grew up as an outgoing, friendly, but troubled child. He never really knew what he wanted to do in life until he turned 17 and went to the studio with his group of friends and recorded "Bass Turned Up." From then on he knew what his plan in life was to be. He is now a hip-hop artists and songwriter. His motto is only fear lack of ambition, Which means strive for greatness and never let anything stop you. He is currently working on an EP entitled "Sweepstakes" scheduled to drop Spring 2016. Following the release we will be touring to promote the Ep. He is also a radio personality on Alleyesonthe215 Radio, as well as, an interviewer for If you would like to check any of his music out you can follow him on: Instagram @frankthe_artist


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